Kenneth Rohde Christiansen

The life and feelings of an individual not like the most.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Sending text messages from the Internet

Since my phone ran out of money, I decided to try sending sms'es [1] from the Internet. There seem to be a lot of services available, but most of them require you to register where-after you will probably receive tons of spam mail on your email address or your mobile phone. I didn't really want to do that ;)

I did find a working service though, but you could only send 2 sms'es per day and you could only send every 10 minute. What I didn't know was that you had to send your sms within one minute or you lost your try. That isn't so easy when you don't actually know where to click in order to send the message :S Anyway, I lost my first try and tried testing the service with one of my friends that were online. Surprisingly, it actually worked! Still I will prefer to send sms'es from my own phone...there is just the problem that I cannot buy extra money for it here in Denmark.

[1]I have been told that sms is good South-African English for text messages. Take that, English Language Police! :)


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