Kenneth Rohde Christiansen

The life and feelings of an individual not like the most.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Praktikumsplatz in Deutschland

So, I have been ill this whole weekend. I feel a bit better today, so I hope I will be up and running again within a few days.

Since I wrote here last, I changed my study direction from Computational Science and Visualization to Software Engineering. There were a couple of reasons for it. Some that mattered more than others.

First of all, when I choose for Comp.Sci and Vis. I did so because I thought it would be fun and nice to use a bit of my Math knowledge and also because I like working with 3D graphics. It turned out that I didn't like the Computational Science part that much and the courses I had to take for next period sounded quite boring. I decided not to study Software Engineering, though the topic interests me a lot. The main reason was that it was the traditional route and I wanted to be different :) Anyway, after talking to my fellow Dane here, and thinking about what I want to do after my study, it becomes more and more clear that I should have choosen for this direction.

I am not a guy who easily "give up", so I stayed on the direction I chose. Anyway, I always wanted to do some kind of internship and this is not part of my direction. When I looked at what courses I could choose, I saw that if I was studying Software Engineering, I would have 2 months of internship in approx 2,5 months time! Wow! This means that I have to find a company myself and do an internship - hey, why not do that in Germany, close to where Lívia lives...? :) I see no reason not to =) I changed my study direction and spend most of my weekend searching for companies in the area and writing German :).

I am lucky to have some nice friends who have helped me out. For instance, I talked a long time over skype with Christian Meyer from Munich and Martin Gimme from Passau - trying to look at my options! Helge has also been quite helpful in finding good German equivalents for my Danish education :) Quite difficult! and required a lot of discussion. Thanks friends! I am sure this will work out! and I know that my love will do hers too! Muaah!

Something else: Oh my Gosh! You don't really want to find this in your ketchup! :|


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