Kenneth Rohde Christiansen

The life and feelings of an individual not like the most.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Evening at Georg's and Laurenz's place

Yesterday I went by Georg's place, in order to eat with him :) It was quite nice. We shopped a bit, talked a lot and cooked some nice Chinese dinner :) As the picture shows, Georg, is a GNU supporter, which makes me wonder why he doesn't use GNOME (GNU Networking Obj...) =) Well, maybe we can still save him. At least I left a Ubuntu CD in his now we will see ;)

Later, we went to Laurenz, who lives quite close by, in order to watch some Japanese animation series and some Monty Python :). It was quite cozy and the time flew away.

When I biked home, I was mentally preparing to get a nice sleep, but it turned out that the house was full of people! Thus, once more no sleep...well, I did sleep a bit from 5am to the people were in the city while I was laying quietly in my bed. Well, the people didn't stay there, so later they partied on in our kitchen. The party just stopped now (an hour ago, around 9 o' clock) and I spend quite some time cleaning up, so that I don't have to be ashamed bringing anyone to my house.


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