Kenneth Rohde Christiansen

The life and feelings of an individual not like the most.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Remembering the good old days

I just watched the movie Sahara and at some point someone was using a computer running IceWM and some pre-GNOME 1.0 Gtk+ application called Notepad. Hmm, this really remember me about the time around 1998-1999 where I was sitting in my dad's room slowly getting involved with GNOME development...

It gives me good feelings of nostalgia, but I am also very happy with the progress we have made during the years, and the way my life has changed.

Life is not always perfect, but I love where it has taken me. My future looks really bright, but I am standing at an edge and a lot of huge changes will happen during the next year, just like this last year.

Very soon I am going to Brazil to visit my fiancé, see her country and meet her family and friends. Never in my life have I looked so much forward to anything. I thought a big part of the reason was because I am going to see Brazil, but when I get in touch with my feelings, I feel that Brazil means very little - at least very little, compared to being with my love. But when you combine those two, you have heaven!


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