A bit of this and a bit of that
So not the most interesting day, but on the other hand also not that bad. Most of the day I worked on writing a summary article for the course Technology of System Realization. In many ways it feels like a great waste of time. I enjoy writing articles about things that I have worked with and have gained a lot of knowledge about, but having to summarize a difficult article that doesn't interest you one bit is not really nice, and it is not that I am learning a lot of new stuff.
Oh, well, I got the first two pages done, but I must say that I'm not progressing so quicky as I would like to. I just took a few hours of sleep so maybe I can work a bit further now.
My fiancé is trying to take care of a lot of beaucrazy today so that she can come back to me in January. I really hope that everything will work out, but I have a good confidence in it. Speaking of her, I just received a nice letter this morning that she sent from Salvador... oh.. It is all those small things that make me so happy. I also got a letter saying that I will get half of the money back that I paid for my study! Nice! It would have been really nice if I had known about this option last year as well... but yeah, in the Netherlands you should expect anyone to guide you on the right path.
I also looked a bit on SWAT today. Looks interesting and promising. Reminds me that I need to look more into Ruby of Rails as well... oh, well, if I get ever some time =)
Oh, well, I got the first two pages done, but I must say that I'm not progressing so quicky as I would like to. I just took a few hours of sleep so maybe I can work a bit further now.
My fiancé is trying to take care of a lot of beaucrazy today so that she can come back to me in January. I really hope that everything will work out, but I have a good confidence in it. Speaking of her, I just received a nice letter this morning that she sent from Salvador... oh.. It is all those small things that make me so happy. I also got a letter saying that I will get half of the money back that I paid for my study! Nice! It would have been really nice if I had known about this option last year as well... but yeah, in the Netherlands you should expect anyone to guide you on the right path.
I also looked a bit on SWAT today. Looks interesting and promising. Reminds me that I need to look more into Ruby of Rails as well... oh, well, if I get ever some time =)
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