I really, really dislike scientific papers...
Often I have the feeling that I am wasting my time, or at least not using it fully. I do all what I can do plan my week so that I will work serious most of the time and then be able to relax at other times, like for instance when my girlfriend is coming here. Unfortunately, often I spend a lot of time actually doing nothing. For instance, I need to write a final paper in my Software Architecture class. This is almost standard here; before every course ends you will have to complete a project and write a paper or at least write a paper. I find this kind of annoying as it means that the last couple of weeks of each block, you suddently need to write 3 papers. Well, I try starting a bit earlier, but I seldom succeed as I have too many other projects to complete during the block / semester. In my Software Architecture class we are currently working very hard on a huge project, where we need to design and document a design of a distributed multimedia (movies) service. This project requires so much of my time that I kind it kind of unacceptable that I also need to write some kind of research paper... Anyway, I writing a paper is not so straight forward and I don't have much more than a weekend to do so... even if I am so lucky to have that much time. Well, we did get an extension, but I need to finish this before I start doing my internship, because when I do that I will have no time at all :(
Anyway, I spend the last many hours thinking about a subject, figuring out what the requirements are, plus scanning though a bounch of articles. So far I came up with the following abstract which I hope will be accepted by the teachers:
Frameworks: When to use and what to keep in mind
Some of the main objectives of software engineering are to improve software quality, reduce costs, as well as facilitate easy maintainance and evolution of the product in mind. Code re-use is a way to fullfill these objectives. Code re-use reduces costs as less new code have to be developed, it improves software quality as the code will be used more and more widely tested. It also helps with maintainability and product evolution, as writing re-usable code requires the developer to code more modular. In this essay we will introduce the concept of object-oriented frameworks and look into when it might be advantageous to design and use such a framework. We will also look into the problems associated with developing such a framework. As a real life example, we will look into the experiences gained when developing the open-source toolkit GTK+, a framework for developing graphical user interfaces for the Linux desktop in particular. We will look at the problem encountered while designing GTK+, plus what solutions that have been used to overcome these.
Anyway, I spend the last many hours thinking about a subject, figuring out what the requirements are, plus scanning though a bounch of articles. So far I came up with the following abstract which I hope will be accepted by the teachers:
Frameworks: When to use and what to keep in mind
Some of the main objectives of software engineering are to improve software quality, reduce costs, as well as facilitate easy maintainance and evolution of the product in mind. Code re-use is a way to fullfill these objectives. Code re-use reduces costs as less new code have to be developed, it improves software quality as the code will be used more and more widely tested. It also helps with maintainability and product evolution, as writing re-usable code requires the developer to code more modular. In this essay we will introduce the concept of object-oriented frameworks and look into when it might be advantageous to design and use such a framework. We will also look into the problems associated with developing such a framework. As a real life example, we will look into the experiences gained when developing the open-source toolkit GTK+, a framework for developing graphical user interfaces for the Linux desktop in particular. We will look at the problem encountered while designing GTK+, plus what solutions that have been used to overcome these.
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