Kenneth Rohde Christiansen

The life and feelings of an individual not like the most.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

... really excited about my future

Uh woke up with a bad bad throath :( Actually it started hurting before I went to bed yesterday evening :( Yesterday was quite a boring day. I started working on my Paper about a Groninger song. I had hoped to find a better song to analyse and my teacher also gave me the number to a known singer who is having a radio program where they play Groninger music... unfortunately, I didn't get in contact and I really had to start working on the assignment so I just started with the song that I had already found.

This was basically what I did yesterday. It was kind of hard really concluding something from the song, but I think I did quite well. I had to write everything in Dutch so that also limited me a bit... I hope someone wants to correct it a bit for me before I turn it in!

The days are getting closer and I feel quite excited! It is unbelievable how Lívia can make me feel. When I think about her I get this undescribable feeling in my whole body ... and the same just when she pops up on MSN... I just love her so much! Lets this last forever!!!


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